Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Game Projects from 2012

Has it really been almost a year? Whoops!

Well anyway..

In the last few months of 2012, during my time at BRiCK, I worked on my first two games as a freelance sound designer.

Check them out!

Rot Gut!

I worked on this project over the spring of 2012 with a Team of game developers from Iran, Garage Guy Games. Set in the 1920's, Rot Gut puts you in the role of a ruthless cop trying to crack down on the illegal sale of bootleg alcohol.

Check it out here:

This was an incredibly fun project. Although the scale was rather small, there was still a lot of fun things to create including three different weapons, attack dogs, and many many explosive deaths! I initially started the project back in February and communicated back and forth with the project lead, Aidin Zolghadr ( You can find out more about him here on his website ), working with him to craft the exact sound experience that he wanted for the game. I really enjoyed working with Aidin because of the attention that he paid to the sound effects. Throughout the development we had many discussions over how to continuously improve the quality of the product through sound and how to effectively convey his vision. It was great to work with him and grow as a professional.

Near the end of the project Rot Gut took Indie Game of the Year at the Iranian Game Festival, which was totally awesome! We were all very excited to have that milestone and soon we were featured in a number of magazines across that area of the world. In the late fall, Aidin was able to add the project onto Steam's newly launched Steam Greenlight. The response we received from the community on Greenlight was largely positive, most people praising the fantastic soundtrack, which was done by Lawrence Steele, an incredibly talented musician from England. You can check out his work here and you can even buy the soundtrack here ( Do it! ).

MiniGolf Pro!

The second project I worked on this year was a smaller project for Greg Sergeant, a developer from England  ( Check him out here , Play his newest game, SkullFace, its awesome, I promise! ). Not to the scale of Rot Gut, this game was a simple golf game. I completed the project over one weekend in November.

Check it out here:

I enjoyed this project because it was the opposite of Rot Gut and it gave me the experience of a different kind of work scenario. Whereas Rot Gut was drawn out and crafted over several months with lots of feedback and revisions to craft a specific product, MiniGolf Pro was a project of speed. I spent one evening prepping, planning and laying things out and one afternoon creating all of the assets and organizing the deliverables. It was fun in an odd way to sit down and binge out a project in one sitting.

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