Saturday, February 8, 2014

Theremin Full Circle

A few years ago when I was still in school in Florida I built a small light based theremin to pass the time on a couple afternoons, you can see an overview of the project HERE.

It was fun at the time, but it didn't serve much purpose, mostly because I never got around to mounting it in anything or providing a way to record it (besides just putting a microphone up to it which would sound awful since its only way of projecting sound was a 50 cent speaker I bought had a local parts store in Orlando).

Back in November 2013, I finally got around to mounting it inside of a cigar box that I had bought in Florida and modding it to have a direct output so I could just plug it straight into any interface and record it. I sat away in my basement drilling holes in the wood, glueing the pieces in place and finally the whole thing came together.

Bottom right: Photo Cells, Bottom Left: Speaker Holes, Top Left: Volume knob

Direct output and power switch

The tangled mess

Unfortunately after all this work, the tool still just wasn't very practical in sound so I ended up shelving it for a few more months... Until one day the most obvious idea occurred to me. I built the theremin with a 1/4" output because thats all I had for an adapter at the time and it seemed to make sense, but what this unknowingly allowed me to do was plug the instrument directly into my guitar pedal board (DUH!).

With a few effects stacked on top that I could control live in front of me, I had turned my theremin into a full fledged synth, and I was pretty surprised by some of the sound I could get from it with relative ease. So I had finally found a use for the instrument (besides annoying my girlfriend) and wrote this cool song with it! Check it out:

And so after several years, the theremin project was finally finished. That is until I build a real theremin....

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